MiFID II: The New Reality for Investor Relations

Published on Nov 27, 2017

A tremendous amount of work has been done on both the buy and sell side, quantifying, implementing and testing new technology and processes in an effort to comply with the MiFID II regulatory requirements. One group of MiFID II stakeholders however, still seems to have its collective head in the sand: Investor Relations (IR) Teams. In this whitepaper we examine the new reality of a post-MiFID II world for IR teams and what they need to prepare for.

Topics covered in this white paper:

  • The impact that asset managers paying for research out of their own P&L will have on Sell Side research coverage.
  • The reality of a post-MiFID II world and how this will impact an IR team’s workload.
  • The demands that changes to the way the buy-side operate will place on IR teams.

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